

Click to enable sound for the full experience:

Barbarian: Grunts "Braaghh!", as he smashs two skeletons.

Fighter: Grapples the last remaining skeleton. "Are you dark servants of Brackmorre?"

Skeleton: Frowns and nods.

Fighter: "Is your wretched boss building an undead army?"

Skeleton: Frowns and nods.

Fighter: Shakes the skeleton hard and demands, "Are there more of your kind waiting behind that door?"

Skeleton: Nods fervently.

Barbarian: "Not that door, THAT one!" as he turns the skeleton's head toward the other door.

Skeleton: Head spins around three-and-a-half times.

Wizard: "Gentlemen, don't let me stop your little interrogation, but--"

Rogue: "Ask it if it's smarter than you."

Skeleton: Smiles and nods.

Bobbleheads are interactive props with heads that bobble and spin.  Each head has two faces with different expressions. Unlike a mini, their simple movement brings them to life.  For more variety, they have interchangeable heads and hats.

Druid-approved: the papercraft bobble mechanism swings like a bell and has no springs or other metal parts.


How to Make

Paper crafting difficulty: Intermediate.

Bobbleheads Instructions

Game Night Advantages


can be so overrated.

Just nod yes, yes, yes.