Book Nooks


Books and minis are pictured to show scale and are not included.

Barbarian: Guys, I'm getting a plan.  This monster might be an easy one.

Rogue: I think I know where this is going.

Barbarian: Step one, I pop the big bubble with my axe.  Step two, super-hot water floods in.  Step three, it cooks the giant crab.  Step four, we all eat crab for months.

Rogue: Yeah... there might be a problem with that.

Barbarian: You mean... butter?  We're going to need all the butter from every village.  

Rogue: No. I mean that we are also-

Barbarian: -going to need a- a- a giant lemon.  One this big! (Gestures wide arms)

Almost anyone who has been in the RPG hobby for a while has a very full bookshelf.  Books are the tangible, collectible starting point for many of the stories we build together. Book Nooks celebrate the process of bringing a story to life.  They are bookshelf dioramas that depict scenes from favorite books.  Making a Book Nook is a fun way to enhance your collection and deepen your fandom. 

Druid approved: They are made entirely from paper with no plastic, metal, or glass.


How to Make

Paper crafting difficulty: Intermediate.

Game Night Advantages

Patiently waiting

to draw you into the scene

layer by layer