Compass-Style Trackers


Dice are pictured to show scale and are not included.

DM: Barbarian, you're up.

Barbarian: It's time to bash some heads! I enter a rage.

DM: Wait, you already used two rages on monsters, and you wasted one at the library.

Barbarian: I didn't waste it! I needed to use STR on that perception check. 

DM: You didn't even need that perception check. I would have just told you that the pages were edible but the book cover was not.

Barbarian: Well... I had a short rest. 

DM: You were knocked unconscious.  That is not a "short rest." 

Barbarian: Fine.  Did I really use two on the monsters?  I thought I extended one rage.  Here, I'll export a PDF from my character sheet app.

DM: If we keep taking five minutes for every turn, I'll go into a rage.

Compass-Style Trackers do one thing and do it really simply, with no tech. Each tracker tracks one value, such as hit points, magic item charges, or class feature uses.  Grip the center of the disk, then twist it one way to increase the value or the other way to decrease it.

They are easy to make and super-sturdy, so you can make multiple handy trackers for yourself and your group.

Druid-approved: Each tracker rotates smoothly even though it has no metal or plastic parts.

Barbarian-approved: It's tough.


How to Make

Paper crafting difficulty: Easy.

Compass-Style Trackers Instructions

Game Night Advantages

Instead of making

simple things complicated,

just give it a twist.